Image code: 16349

Combat between Etruscans and Volscians

starting from the left: Mastarna ( Macstrna, i.e. the king of Rome Servius Tullius ) who frees Caelio Vibenna ( Caile Vìpinas ), Larth Ultes (in Etruscan Ulthes ) who inflicts a sword-body on Laris Papathnas Velznach (i.e. of Velzna and thus of Volsinii ), while Pesna Arcmsnas Sveamach (i.e. of Sveama perhaps Sovana ) falls under the attack of Rasce, finally Venthikau (in Etruscan Venthi Cau[...E]plsach ) suffers the same fate at the hands of Aulus Vibenna (in Etruscan Avle Vipinas ).

