Image code: 27823

Rameses and Nefertari make offerings to Hathor

Hathor, on the left, is seated on a throne placed on a podium. She wears a long, tight-fitting dress, in her hands she holds a sceptre, lotus flowers and the ankh symbol. On her head she has her typical crown formed by the sun disk surrounded by two bovine horns. Rameses, in the centre, wears the Blue Crown (Khepresh) and a skirt. In both hands he holds lotus flowers that he is offering to Hathor. On the right Nefertari wears a semi-transparent garment with wide sleeves. On her head she wears a long wig, a vulture-shaped headdress and the Hathoric crown. The queen holds a sistrum, connected to the cult of Hathor, and flowers.

