Image code: 28874

Male figure (Khaemhat or Imhotep)

Detail of one of one of the statuary groups of the Inner Chamber: the group depicts Khaemhat and Imhotep (royal scribe, possibly one of Khaemhat's relatives) and is sculpted directly in the limestone in which the whole tomb is dig. His face has damages on the chin, nose and cheek and is covered by a black patina (the burial was violated in antiquity and the patina has been caused by the smokes of the hearths related to the use of the tomb as a habitation). Over the man's head there is a "duplex" wig, whose carving (with staight locks at the top and curls in the lower part) is typical of Amenhotep III's reign. Around his neck there is a wesekh-collar and two heart-shaped amulets hang from a second necklace. His arms are folded over his chest.

