Image code: 28898

Nefertari offering nemset jars to Hathor, Selkis and Maat

East wall of the descent Nefertari wears a long and full semi-transparent white dress, tied at the middle by the red sash. She has the gold Nekhbet headdress, only to be worn by Royal Women and Goddesses and composed by the vulture goddess Nekhbet holding the shenu, symbol of eternity. It is a golden crown for the Great Royal Wives. She does not have the tall feathers and solar disk on top. She holds out two round nemset jars. In front of her a table of offerings with fruit, vegetables, but not cuts of meat; on top are two smoking braziers. Facing Nefertari are three goddesses: Hathor of the West in green, with the nekhbet cow horns, solar disk, Selkis in red with her emblem on her head both seated on a chair and holding a was-sceptre and ankh-sign. A kneeling Maat dressed in red with outstretched wings closes the group. Behind and facing her a cartouche of the queen. Next to Maat a djed pillar with arms holding a was-sceptre in each hand.

