Image code: 30607

Amenhotep III, Hathor and Tiy attend the ceremony for the Sed festival

The royal kiosk and the royal couple, with Hathor, attend the ceremony for the first jubilee of Amenhotep III. The kiosk is decorated with a frieze of urei and supported by columns in the form of papyrus and lotus. The platform is decorated with rekhyt birds with raised arms. Below are lotus buds and papyrus plants symbolising Upper and Lower Egypt. Pharaoh Amenhotep III is seated on a throne decorated with a vulture with outstretched wings hugging his waist to protect him. He wears the Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt with uraeus on his forehead and holds the scourge and crosier, symbols of power. In front of him are two small representations of the hieroglyphs was and ankh with arms holding and waving fans. Behind the pharaoh is the seated goddess Hathor with bovine horns, solar disc and uraeus on her head. The goddess wears a menat necklace and embraces the king while holding three palm stems symbolising protection. Behind the goddess is Queen Tiy wearing a dress with two epaulets and a crown consisting of a mortar decorated with uraeus and surmounted by two feathers enclosed between two bovine horns. She clasps a lotus flower and a symbol of power.

