Image code: 30608

Amenhotep III and Tiy attend the ceremony for the Sed festival

The royal kiosk and the royal couple attend the ceremony for the first jubilee of Amenhotep III. The kiosk is decorated with a frieze of urei and supported by columns in the form of papyrus and lotus. The platform is decorated with a representation of the Nine Arches, the enemies of Egypt shown with their arms tied behind their backs. They are the Aegeans, Nubians, Libyans, Asiatic, inhabitants of the oases, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt and the Eastern Desert. Pharaoh Amenhotep III is seated on a throne decorated with a hawk with outstretched wings that hugs his waist to protect him. He clutches the crosier, the scourge and an ankh and wears the blue crown, the khepresh, one of the ceremonial crowns. Behind him the seated Queen Tiy clutches an ankh and a floral sceptre typical of queens. On her head is a crown made of mortar and two feathers.

