Image code: 30670

Menna and Henuttawy worship Osiris

Menna and Henuttawy bring offerings and worship Osiris. The god is seated on a throne set in a stand, his skin is green, he wears a wig and atef crown and in his hands he holds a sceptre and a scourge. In front of him is a bunch of lotus and papyrus plants. In front of the stall is a table filled with offerings (parts of cattle, ducks, fruit and loaves of bread), behind it are Menna and Henuttawy. Menna is wearing a long semi-transparent robe and a white skirt, bracelets and breastplate. Her face has been obliterated. Henuttawy wears a long wig with a diadem, a large transparent dress and in her hands she holds a sistrum and a menat collar. Behind him are two offertory bearers. Lower register: nine figures carrying food offerings towards altars.

