Image code: 30671

Submission of offers (detail)

Upper register: a man in a skirt presents a couple with offerings placed on a table. On the ground are jars and lotus flowers, while bread shapes are arranged on the table. A man and a woman are seated on chairs. The man is wearing a long semi-transparent dress and a skirt, the woman is wearing a tight white dress and a long wig. Both have on their heads a cone of perfumed ointment and large collars; in the middle register: below are baskets and jars with pointed bottoms, above are various forms of bread, fruit, vegetables, pumpkins, meat and other food offerings, including some pomegranates. Above it all are three bouquets of flowers and lotus buds; lower register: a theory of offering bearers with white skirts. They are holding vases, gold ingots and sacks of cloth.

