Image code: 30687

Offerings for Osiris and Thutmosi I

Upper register: Osiris (left) enthroned under a canopy, standing behind him are the goddesses Hathor and Maat. In front of the canopy is a heap of offerings, dedicated to the god by Userhat and his family. Userhat, with his shaved head and panther skin, pours wine from a vase. Behind him his wife Shepset and a sister (?). Lower register: Thutmosi I (left) enthroned under a kiosk, behind him is Queen Ahmes-Nefertari. In front of the kiosk is a pile of offerings, dedicated to the deceased Pharaoh by Userhat and his family. Userhat, wearing a wig and panther skin, holds a brazier. Behind him is his mother (?), holding a sistrum and a menat necklace. Behind her is a child and a woman, possibly a bride of Userhat.

