Image code: 30696

Amenhotep III with the Blue Crown

The ruler Amenhotep III, at whose court Khaemhat performed the function of Royal Scribe and Supervisor of the Royal Granaries, is depicted seated on a throne with lion paws placed, probably, under a canopy. The throne has the armrest decorated with an image of a sphinx with the head of Amenhotep III trampling an enemy. Between the legs of the throne are two prisoners tied by the elbows. At the base of the canopy, below the king's feet, are represented the Nine Arches, i.e. the enemies of subjugated Egypt. Amenhotep III has the Khepresh (or Blue Crown) on his head, in his hands he holds the Sceptre and the Scourge. At knee height the taurine tail, symbol of physical power, is visible.

