Image code: 30901

The goddess Isis offers the symbol of life to Queen Nefertari

The scene is painted on a pillar of the burial chamber. Nefertari stands in front of Isis. The queen is dressed in a long semi-transparent tunic, knotted in the middle. On her head is the Nekhbet headdress, exclusive to royal women and goddesses, consisting of the Nekhbet vulture clutching the shenu symbol of eternity, a golden crown for the great wives of the pharaohs. Around her neck is a pearl necklace. The goddess wears a red robe and on her head she carries a sun disk enclosed by two bovine horns. Isis is depicted in the act of offering the ankh, the symbol of life, to Queen Nefertari.The queen's skin is a dark ochre colour (women were usually reserved a lighter colour), while that of the goddess is golden, as religious belief required. The text identifies the goddess and Nefertari. Behind the deity is a column with symbols of protection

