Image code: 31793

Osiris and the Judges of the Underworld

Left: the judges of the Underworld are represented, on three registers, under three gilded kiosks decorated with a frieze of urei. Under each of the kiosks are seated on cubic thrones eight judges, in mummiform appearance, holding sceptres was. Right: Osiris enthroned under an imposing gilded canopy. He is represented with a green complexion and in the mummiform appearance of Lord of the Hereafter. On his head he wears the Atef crown, in his hands he holds the Sceptre, the Scourge and the Djed Pillar, and on his chin a false beard is visible. Behind him is Anubis with the head of a jackal, while in front of him is Thot who, on the head of an ibis, bears the disc and the lunar crescent.

