Image code: 31847

Nefertari before Anubis and Isis

Nefertari in front of Anubis and Isis. She is dressed in a long, semi-transparent tunic. On her head is the Nekhbet headdress, exclusive to royal women and goddesses, consisting of the vulture Nekhbet clutching the shenu symbol of eternity, a golden crown for the great wives of the pharaohs and surmounted by two long golden feathers in the middle of which is a small sun disk. In front of the queen is a table with loaves of bread. Both deities are seated on thrones. Anubis is represented with the head of a jackal, wearing a golden skirt over a white one and a green tunic. In his right hand he clutches an ankh while his left holds a sceptre was. Behind him Isis wears a red robe and also holds an ankh and a was sceptre.

