Image code: 8064

Tomb II of the Necropolis of Amphushi

The Necropolis of Amphushi is located on the island of Pharos and dates back to the 2nd-1st century B.C. It features five hypogeum tombs that bear witness to Egyptian funerary practices and have many decorative elements of Greek style that demonstrate the cosmopolitanism of Alexandrian society in the late Hellenistic phase. The image shows a detail of the so-called Tomb II of Amphushi whose walls are decorated in Egyptian style while two monumental doors in the courtyard are both protected by two sphinxes and lead to the vestibule and burial chamber. The walls retain an elaborate decoration: in the lower part, alabaster orthostats are imitated, while in the upper part, the decoration echoes the Egyptian style with three horizontal chequered bands. The vaulted ceiling features yellow octagons and small black squares.

